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More Documentation Associated with Entry to Thailand?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing basically some changes with respect to documentation that is likely to be associated with the resumption of the ”Test and Go” program February 1 of 2022. As we have discussed in other videos, "Test and Go" came online November 2021. It allowed for a massively effectively quarantine free entry to Thailand. You took an initial test at a quarantine hotel; you stayed a night there and then as long as it came up negative, you were free to go the next day. That has changed a little bit as we have discussed in other videos. There is now an extra test associated with it but for the most part you are basically free to go after day one so long as you test negative. 

In a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, this article went a little deeper with respect to some of the documentation. The article is titled: 'Test & Go' to resume Feb 1 with extra test requirement. Quoting directly: "To be admitted under the "Test and Go" scheme, visitors will now have to produce proof of reservation at a Safety and Health Administration Plus certified hotel and prepay for the two COVID-19 tests they have to take said Dr. Taweesilp. To ensure no guests leave without waiting for their COVID-19 test result, hotels have been asked to put in place added security measures he said." I did another video where I kind of posited the question, "these guys are supposed to become like wardens now?" It is a little bit is a little bit odd. 

That said, the "Test and Go" appears to be coming back online in much the same way that it existed in the past. Again, there is an extra test required five days after arrival but it is kind of like an expanded Sandbox Program. You are still going to have to deal with another test but if you come up negative the first night, you are free to walk around; you are free to go; you just have to deal with the second test after the 5-day period and then if you come up negative on that you are done; you just wander around on your own. 

So I think it is definitely an improvement over the current situation as we are looking at it here at the end of January. We will keep you updated on this channel as the overall situation evolves.