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More Fake "Immigration Advisers" Arrested In Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the fact that more "Immigration Advisors", just outright frauds, whatever you want to call them, have been apprehended here in the Kingdom of Thailand. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: New arrest in passports-for-sale case.

We discussed this at length in another video. Basically there has been a spate of foreigners coming over here promising all kinds of passports and Immigration Services, completely ridiculous claims but they are ripping people's money off, and they are putting them in a bad position also. Quoting directly: "Qin Ling, 33, had been in the Immigration Bureau's surveillance system after an arrest warrant was issued by Chinese Authorities for ID card fraud, said Police Lieutenant General Itthipol Itthisaranachai, the Bureau Chief. Mr Qin's permit to stay in the Kingdom had also been revoked and the Bureau is planning to extradite him Pol Lt Gen Itthipol added." 

So again, it's clear to me Thai Immigration Authorities are not messing around if you will; they are taking Immigration fraud very seriously. They are also taking criminals here in Thailand who are purveying their trade if you will very seriously as well. We have discussed this in prior videos and yeah Immigration is just purely cracking down on those who are abusing the Immigration system here in Thailand. Also acting as “consultants”, “advisors” whatever, and basically not only scamming people but also just operating in that space generally speaking, is inadvisable for a foreign national for a variety different reasons most poignant among them would be the fact that there is a restricted occupations list and Immigration broker, agent, consultant whatever, would fall into the bailiwick of the restricted occupations list itself.

So no matter how you cut it, where you are dealing with a foreigner who is operating in that area, you are dealing with somebody who is operating illicitly, if not downright illegally and possibly ‘heavy criminal penalties’ kind of illegal stuff. I mean when you are talking fake travel documents, that gets you into the area of human trafficking and quite honestly that is serious criminal penalties should someone be adjudicated to be guilty of such an offense. 

So the thing to take away from this video is at the end of the day unfortunately, there are fakes and frauds in this world. Thai Immigration does seem increasingly and more acutely aware of this and also they seem increasingly proactive in taking measures to combat it.