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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawMore First Time Business Visa Seekers Being Inspected?

More First Time Business Visa Seekers Being Inspected?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing whether or not more Business Visa seekers are being inspected here in the Kingdom of Thailand? The answer to that is Yes. 

What are we talking about in terms of inspection? Well Immigration has an Inspection Division and they come out and inspect, and we are starting to see a lot more of those inspections associated with first time Business Visa applicants and Work Permit holders. Folks that are setting up a company for the first time are seeing themselves under inspection a lot more frequently than they have in the past. Why could this be happening? Well a number of reasons. One we're seeing a huge influence of folks coming into Thailand looking to live and work here. Two, we're also as we discussed in prior videos - if you go back a couple years ago - they increased the resources for Thai Immigration and then we went into COVID where really they weren't necessary. So they sat around probably languishing and I expect what they were doing during that time was training heavily and then now we are dealing with the aftermath of this where we are dealing with them; they are far more sort of squared away if you will in terms of their abilities to inspect and they are undertaking inspections. What does this mean?

Well we don't really worry about it all that much here in our office. Of course yes, when you're being inspected by the Government it is something to be concerned about but we deal with it frequently and quite honestly, we've got a pretty good rapport with those people. That being said, it is a situation where you want to have all of your ducks in a row - all the Is dotted, all the Ts crossed - to make sure all your documentation is in order in order to survive an inspection for a Business Visa here in the Kingdom of Thailand.