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More Inspections By Thai Immigration For Visa Extension?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the possibility of more inspections associated with Visa Extension. I am starting to hear anecdotal evidence from folks here in Thailand as well as my own staff who are frankly dealing with Thai Immigration on a day-to-day basis, especially in the Business Visa unit, although also in the Retirement Visa unit as well. I am getting a lot of feedback from them and it is very consistent, and that feedback is this.

Inspections are becoming more commonplace and they are happening even in cases where once it was not a routine practice to see inspections performed. Also I am being told that folks that have been in status for a fairly long period of time who aren't really used to being inspected, sometimes they are also being spot inspected. Again this runs across a panoply of different Visa categories. So for example the Business Visa unit may be conducting inspections in the context of a Business Visa Extension. Meanwhile we have had a lot of anecdotal evidence of inspections for O Marriage Visa extension, a lot of spot inspections associated with that. But now I am hearing more and more that there is increased scrutiny being applied even in the Retirement Visa section. 

Now again, I don't anticipate we are going to see like a lot of spot inspections and things but I have also done videos recently where they are increasingly asking for banking information. And as I have discussed in other videos, again I don't see this happening immediately nor do I see it happening in the near term, but I think down the line perhaps we may also see tax filings become a requirement associated with all types of Visa categories here in the Kingdom of Thailand.