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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawNegative Consequences of Recent Thai Immigration Policy in 2025?

Negative Consequences of Recent Thai Immigration Policy in 2025?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Immigration Policy here in Thailand. We are talking about this specifically in the context of major changes that we have seen in the last couple of months regarding changes to the Visa Exemption scheme, most notably now it's possible to get 60-day stamp-on-arrival in Thailand with the option to extend by another 30 days. Meanwhile there is also the issue of a Visa, what they're calling the Destination Thailand Visa, that's a new one that they are saying is good for 5 years, remains to be seen. Initially you get a 6-month validity on it - 6 months of lawful status in Thailand - but as we have discussed, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who's been out on the road touting this for PR, they're not the ones that are ultimately going to be dealing with things like the extension of status, things like Border Runs associated with that Visa; they're not going to be the ones that are going to be dealing with that, Immigration is. And notably, as of the time of this video, the silence is deafening from Immigration regarding what they think. They haven't commented on the DTV at all. So how exactly it is going to play out remains to be seen. That said, I have sort of seen this stuff play out in the past where you'll see major pushes usually from a PR standpoint to basically say "hey there's new visas here in Thailand. Foreigners, you should come avail yourself of this, it's a great deal." Then people will get here and try to use these things and it won't quite work out the way they think it will. What worries me in 2025, especially quarter 2, way after high season is done and over, we may see, especially if we see another spate of this, 'foreigners behaving badly' kind of stuff, we could see a major clamp down by Thai Immigration and again it is not a foregone conclusion that they are going to treat the Destination Thailand Visa nor any of these other types of new Visa initiatives in the same way that has been touted to this point.