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"New Normal" for Visa Extension in Thailand: Vaccines vs. Insurance?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the concept of a "new normal" and I kind of hate that phrase but everybody seems to be using it, regarding Vaccination vs. Insurance in Thailand. 

So what are we talking about here? Well recently there has been discussion, they are talking about possible COVID-19 Insurance being mandatory. I have had a lot of people contacting me about this wanting to know how this is going to work etc. Now, at the same time I have had a lot of people contacting me about the concept that vaccines may ultimately become mandatory for Thai Visa extension. I had someone actually send me an email today as of the time of this video and say "Do I think that there may end up being a situation where it becomes a “one or the other” proposition?" Those who wish to stay in Thailand in visa extension status can either opt to get a vaccine, presuming vaccines are readily available, which as of the time of this video I wouldn't say that readily available would be the phraseology I would use, but assuming that you know vaccines are readily available do I think it is going to be likely that it may become a choice between COVID-19 Insurance as a requirement for Visa Extension or proof of vaccination. 

It is a good question and that may ultimately be where this goes. That said I don't really see, as you know diseases tend to burn themselves through a population and I know epidemiologist or virologist or medical doctor, but it is my understanding diseases come and go and COVID presumably shouldn't be with us forever but at least into the foreseeable future, could it be likely that it becomes this choice? Yeah maybe. I definitely think, again it is a good question that we end up with a situation where it becomes a requirement that you either show a) COVID-19 Insurance or b) you show that you have been vaccinated against it. 

The other thing to bear in mind is for example medical certification associated with Work Permits they have still got Elephantiasis on that list so if this did become a rule, it might end up being a rule for a really long time because Elephantiasis has been on there since apparently Elephantiasis was kind of an issue. So again for that matter syphilis is also noted on there and I am sure that harkens back to a time when syphilis was a major public health issue. 

Do I foresee that being the case necessarily where forever and always from now on you have either got to be vaccinated COVID-19 or show that you paid for COVID insurance in order to for example extend a Visa or something like that? It is definitely possible. I would say we are probably not going to see anything like that in the foreseeable 90 - 120 days because it takes a fair amount of time to get rules in place and laws on the books but it is possible. Do I think it is likely? I wouldn't bet on it but it is possible.