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A Return of the "Test & Go" Initiative in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the "Test and Go" regime. For those who are unaware, up until December 21 2021 and I think it started in late October, November, it lasted about a month so probably not late October. I guess it was sort of the last week in November if I recall, it lasted about a month but it was this "Test and Go" scheme. So it allowed folks to come into Thailand, be tested upon arrival, spend one night in a Quarantine Hotel and then be, for lack of a better term, set free. I don't mean to make light of that but be released if you will. Well that ended December 21, 2021; it was rescinded. As we reported on this channel some folks got grandfathered in and meanwhile some folks didn't. It kind of became a bit of a bit of an issue of consternation but the folks that had their Thailand Pass under the scheme it is my understanding the bulk of those folks ended up getting in under the scheme. Then as of now, as of the time of this video, it is not possible to use "Test and Go". 

However, a recent article from the Bangkok Post, that is would seem to suggest that this may be changing. The title of the article is: Ministry Pushes for Test and Go Redux. Quoting directly: "The expected resumption of the "Test & Go" Tourism scheme in February should allow the country to attract at least 8 million tourists this year says the Tourism and Sports Ministry." Quoting further: "Tourism and Sports Minister, Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn said his Ministry plans to push for the resumption of the quarantine free "Test and Go" scheme next month as this proposal is scheduled for discussion at the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration meeting on Jan 20." So, as of the time of this video this has not even actually been promulgated, a resumption of this, we haven't seen this put back into effect. And not to really shine a spotlight on Minister Phiphat but we have seen him be a little bit optimistic in the past about possible changes to policy. Not saying he is being that way here. It is pretty clear that this is just being put forward to the CCSA but in light of recent comments from Public Health Minister as well as the Prime Minister here in Thailand, hopefully we will see a possible policy change with respect to this in the not too distant future.