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The Royal Thai Consulate General in Los Angeles, California, USA
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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the Royal Thai Consulate-general in Los Angeles, California in the USA. We are discussing this specifically to provide some information to folks who may be processing Visa applications through that particular post. The address of the Thai Consulate in Los Angeles is 611 North Larchmont Boulevard #2, Los Angeles, California 90004, United States.
I am going to go ahead and throw this up. This is an infographic from the Thai Embassy in the USA. For those who live in California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington State, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah or Alaska and this would also include Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa and the United States Virgin Islands, you are going to see your application need to be processed through the Royal Thai Consulate in Los Angeles.
Now it should be noted, certain states do have Thai Honorary Consulates which may have concurrent jurisdiction the process visa application but in my opinion as time goes on we are going to see this jurisdiction probably truncated especially in the aftermath of COVID-19 and we may not necessarily see them processing Visa applications with as much frequency in the future as they have at the point in time we are making this particular video, so that should be kept in mind.
So those who are processing a Visa in one of those states, they may be processing a Thai Business Visa, Retirement Visa, Tourist Visa, a Thai O Visa depending on the miscellaneous categories, or miscellaneous reasons that one can get an O visa for Thailand, you are probably going to need to see that processed through the Consulate-general in Los Angeles.
The documentation and evidence requirements associated with a visa application for those aforementioned categories can be rather extensive and for this reason it may be prudent to contact a legal professional who has experience dealing with these matters in order to gain some insight and to gain some guidance and possibly assistance directly in processing and obtaining a visa to the Kingdom of Thailand.