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The Situation for Retirees in Thailand Is Changing?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are asking the question, is the situation of foreigners - foreign retirees specifically - in Thailand changing? I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Pattaya Mail, that is, the article is titled: Foreigners and Thai Law: the changing Pattaya scenario. Quoting directly: "Much has changed over the past 30 or 20 years" (I think they mean 20 or 30 but okay). "Many of the Western expats who retired here in the past and married Thai women have now died. Thus we are much more focused these days on wills, probate and overseas pension entitlement (if any) for the widows. Separately, there is less demand for holiday visas for Thai relatives to visit the expat's home country. The number of annual extensions of stay in Thailand, based on retirement or marriage, has fallen by around half since around the turn of the century."

Yeah, this this is something that I have thought about myself. Demographically I think Thailand is fundamentally shifting insofar the ages of the people coming to Thailand are changing and the desires of people coming to Thailand are changing greatly. Now that said, do I see less retirees on the horizon? No, not so much but do I actually see more of an equilibrium being hit long term, where we see younger folks who are looking to come over here and live and work as opposed to simply retirees who just wish to come to Thailand and just basically retire and be done? I think more and more, we're going to see more and more people who want to come over here and live and work longer term as opposed to - I mean in the past it was like 80/20. 80% were retirees it seemed like, about 20% of folks were coming over here to live and work. I think as time goes by, we could start seeing that demography shift more over to more of a 50/50 kind of percentage spread. 

Now that said, is that a foregone conclusion? No, it's kind of my speculation based on what I'm seeing in terms of sort of the movements of people coming off of the West and looking to come over here to East Asia and Southeast Asia. Now is that going to really hurt retirees? I don't think so. If anything, it may have no effect whatsoever. That said, however it has an impact, we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as this situation evolves.