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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration Law"Sponsored" Business Visas In Thailand?

"Sponsored" Business Visas In Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing so-called sponsored Work Permits and Business Visas. This is one of those memes that seems to just keep popping up especially in the expat community, we see a lot of people talking about this notion of a so-called sponsored Work Permit and concomitant Business Visa. 

What are we talking about here? This is the practice whereby folks pretend effectively to be employing someone and then go ahead and get them their Business Visa and their Work Permit when really in fact they are not really working for the company. It's definitely gamesmanship but it rises to an even higher level. As I have talked about in other videos, I think you are bumping up against problems associated with immigration fraud; you could even be bumping up against problems associated with human trafficking. 

Now for those out there who would say "well you're over exaggerating that. I know a guy who knows a guy that did it this way", yeah look there are a million ways that people get away with breaking not only the letter but the spirit of the law, and they get away with it. But that's 'building your house on sand' effectively because you really want your paperwork to be 100% really perfect in many ways for it to stand scrutiny down the road. And this notion of so-called "sponsored" Work Permits and Visas in my mind, is something to be very, very careful of for foreigners. It's something that I think a lot of folks out there, perhaps folks with less than the best intentions or the best interests of their clients at heart, will kind of "yes" people, "oh, it's no problem, it's no problem, it's no problem", and the fact of the matter is if you really are doing something, saying something that you are not actually doing with regard to your Work Permit and your Business Visa, you can have real problems if you have to stand inspection by Thai Immigration Police or the Labour Department here in the Kingdom Thailand.