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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawIs the Thai Business Visa Process a "Bureaucratic Maze"?

Is the Thai Business Visa Process a "Bureaucratic Maze"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Business Visas and whether or not the process of obtaining a Business Visa is something of a "Bureaucratic Maze". I thought of making this video after reading a recent article in the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Retirement no mere snooze.

Quoting directly, and there is a lot in this article. Those who are interested should go check it out but this excerpt made me think a lot about all different kinds of Immigration including Business even though it on its surface it is about Retirement Visas. Quoting directly: "Even after completing the bureaucratic maze that is needed to acquire a Retirement Visa, retirees have to maintain their status by regularly reporting to officials and that means keeping up with changing rules and regulations." The reason I thought of this is you could change out the word "Retirement" for "Business" Visas and retirees for business person and you wouldn't be too far off base. When you are dealing with the Business Visa I would say it is far more Byzantine dealing with the Business Visas and all the documentation that is associated with that as well as Work Permit which Work Permit is necessary in order to maintain B Visa status. On top of this, yes there are continual check-ins which are also required from a Business Visa holder including but not limited to things like 90-day reporting, address reporting if an address should change, not to mention renewal on a regular basis of the Business Visa as well as the Work Permit. All of this is part and parcel of the overall process. Is it fair to call it a "Bureaucratic Maze"? Reasonable people perhaps can disagree. I will say that yeah it is cumbersome and for those who have never dealt with it before especially foreign nationals, dealing with all this in a language that you don't understand and in a system that you don't understand frankly, yeah it can be a trying experience. 

Those who are interested in Business Visa and Work Permit status here in Thailand, it is probably a good idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.