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Thai Business Visas and Work Permit "Limbo"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Business Visas and Work Permit "Limbo". What are we talking about here with respect to Work Permit "Limbo"? 

Well for those unaware, if you come into Thailand on a Business Visa and let's presume you have a work pre-authorization document also called a WP3, if you come in with that kind of documentation, there is this period for the first few weeks you will be in Thailand, especially during the last roughly 18 months where you have had a quarantine period associated with entry and even now where there is a much truncated quarantine period but it is still there, there is kind of this limbo period where you have your Business Visa but you have yet to actually get your Work Permit. You may be pre-authorized for the Permit but it's not locked in yet. Until that happens, you are not going to be dealing with a tax ID number; strictly speaking you are not really work permitted yet. You are pre-authorized for it and in a sense I mean it is kind of pre-adjudicated, but yeah the Permit itself has not been issued. 

We often times see this in the context of our clients who are coming in, oftentimes when it is dealing with us they are doing their own business here in Thailand and they come in, they have got their Business Visa, they have got the pre-authorization and it is going to take a week or two usually to get them in there as a practical matter, get them in there get their Work Permit application on file; get the documentation on file to get things moving through and then usually a week, 10 days later you are looking at getting the actual booklet, the Work Permit itself issued.

So yeah, there is kind of this interregnum if you will, this interim limbo period where you have got your Business Visa; you have even been pre-authorized for work but you actually haven't gotten your Work Permit issued here in the Kingdom of Thailand.