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Thai Immigration Inspection Issues For Land Holding Companies?

Transcript of the above video: 

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Immigration inspections. As discussed in an ALERT I recently made and put up, we discussed the fact that yeah inspections are going to go up, especially spot inspections. This is coming in the wake of this sort of trend or phenomenon if you will of so-called ‘foreigners behaving badly’ here in Thailand where we have seen a number of foreigners who have come in and gotten into alternations with other foreigners, gotten into altercations with the police, been arrested, did all kinds of crazy stuff. There was one incident of a person wandering around naked down in Phuket if I recall; I don't think we did a video on that one, I just kind of let that one slide. In any event, the Thais aren't thrilled by all of this activity. I mean would you like it if people were coming to your country and getting in fights with your traffic police and stuff? You probably wouldn't. I don't love it. I don't know what's going on with some of these folks but this is Thailand and Thailand is a place where the Thais live and they want to live in a prosperous and peaceful society and they don't really want to put up with a lot of this nonsense, so the upshot of this is there is going to be more immigration inspections. Count on it. The message I've gotten through the channels that we go through when we are talking to Thai immigration, the message I got was count on it, basically. 

Now the question posed by this video though is could Immigration inspections have implications for so-called land holding companies? As we have discussed in other videos, it is illegal for foreign nationals to own land in Thailand. There are some very narrow exclusions of that that require signatures and authorization at a very high level here in Thailand to be able to do that. Most people it just isn't feasible. We are talking folks that are like buying a villa, you are not going to go through those channels. It isn't actually how it's going to work. But long story short people try to go for these work around so-called but they are colour of law. As we have discussed in other videos, Thai Immigration and other Thai Law Enforcement have raided even Law firms in order to find corporate documentation pertaining to corporations which allow foreigners to own land in Thailand. Thais are very, very sensitive to the notion of foreigners owning their land. They don't like it, okay? 

What I'm trying to bring up in this video though is if you have a landholding company that you also have Immigration benefits stemming therefrom, you could have a target on your back because the inspection if you will, again they are talking about spot inspections, random spot inspections. On top of that if your office for example, or your legal office is something you are using a company to own, you can have a serious problem if an inspection comes in and says wait a minute, wait a minute. You are a foreigner, you're using this land, you're effectively owning this land using this company. We want to do a further inspection and that could even lead to a dissolution of the company and a seizure of the underlying property. So something to bear in mind. I'm not trying to make this to cause folks consternation, I am hoping to make this to put people on notice so they can get their ducks in a row, get into compliance with relevant Thai Law so that they don't get into a situation where they end up losing substantial investment here in the Kingdom of Thailand.