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Thai Immigration Now Has a "Navy"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the prospect of "does Thai Immigration have a Navy?"

Well a recent article from the Bangkok Post, that is, the article is titled: Immigration Chief Explains Transfer of 41 Navy Personnel to Bureau. Quoting directly: “41 Navy Personnel transferred to the Immigration Bureau will be stationed on boats not at land based checkpoints, the Immigration Chief said on Friday." Quoting further: "Police Lieutenant General Sompong, (that is Police Lieutenant General Sompong Chingduang the Head of Thai Immigration), quoting further: "Police Lieutenant General Sompong said the Bureau had received 27 Patrol boats in 2018 to improve its efficiency in crime suppression and assisting in rescue operations. The boats were also used to facilitate passage of tourists in Immigration Divisions 3 - 6 which have marine checkpoints - such as Trat, Chonburi, Narathiwat, Prachuab Kiri Khan. At that time, the Bureau had approved positions for Officers to be stationed on patrol boats and at various marine checkpoints, Immigration Chief said." Quoting further and quoting directly from Police Lieutenant General Sompong: "Those Navy personnel will be stationed on boats not at checkpoints. The officers whose transfers are approved will not perform the same duties as other Immigration Officers." 

So in kind of a real sense, yeah there is sort of like a mini, I won't say that Thai Immigration has a Navy that is being funny, but they do kind of have a maritime component to their enforcement and administrative apparatus and the thing that I find interesting is yeah, I suspect they need one. Thailand does have a lot of water ports. It is not all land borders here in Thailand, it is not all air borders here in Thailand so yeah they would need maritime personnel and it looks like they have them and it seems like they will probably be using these to deal with Immigration checkpoints in the relatively near future.