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Thai Immigration Services Processed Online?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Immigration Services. We are specifically discussing them in an online context. I have had a number of correspondence from folks but the thing I am going to quote here in a minute is indicative overall to the theme I have seen on this topic.

Long story short, we did make videos on the issue of the 90-day reporting system had reportedly been down. It was not possible to get online and deal with that. Recent correspondence we received from a viewer and we certainly appreciate our viewers, quoting directly: "We are at the current height of the COVID-19 pandemic here in Thailand. The Government recommends working from home to limit contact with other individuals. Lots of restrictions are imposed or at least recommended on daily life. Events are canceled and a multitude of businesses are forced to shut all insinuating that it is a serious situation yet the Immigration Service forces us to travel to their offices in person or authorize someone who would also be at risk to file routine reports like TM30 or TM47 aka 90-day reporting; reports that pre-pandemic could be done online albeit on systems that had the feeling of the early 2000s but they worked most of the time. What about the health and well-being of their frontline workforce?" 

Well ask and you shall receive. I am going to go ahead and put this up online. This is from Thai Immigration. We got this Quoting directly from the announcement: "The internet service system of the Immigration Bureau is now open for business. Report 90 days for foreigners; Notification of residence of foreigners (Section 38)” - TM 47 is 90 day reporting; TM 30 is address reporting. 

So apparently again, according to this, I am going to go ahead and keep that up there, according to this announcement from Immigration, they do have those online systems back up. As I have said throughout this, I don't think anybody is acting in bad faith. Folks are really trying to do their best. We have seen this with Thai Embassies abroad; we have seen this with the US Embassy here in Bangkok; we have seen this when dealing with Thai Immigration here in Thailand. Everybody is doing their best. Nobody is trying to drop the ball. Things do happen. Difficult situation but it is good to see that yes it looks like now it is possible to deal with some of this stuff online.