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Thai Permanent Residence Applications for 2025?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Permanent Residence applications in 2025. So for those who are unaware, notwithstanding the terminology that's been bandied about on the internet regarding Residency, there is only one type of true Permanent Residence in Thailand. Those who want to obtain it, have to have been in long-term Non-immigrant Visa status with unbroken Work Permit status for a prolonged period of time.

Generally speaking, it's going to depend on the facts in the underlying case but presume you're looking at 3 - 5 years depending on the facts in your case. Meanwhile you have got to hit certain income thresholds, as discussed in other videos, but the point of this video is to just kind of for the new people especially, at the end of the day when you're applying for Permanent Residence in Thailand, you have to deal with a window and literally there's a window that opens here in Thailand to accept petitions for Permanent Residence. It's not open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round. No instead it only opens up generally in the fourth quarter of the year. If you go back a few years ago they opened it up in the middle of the summer which was very odd and lately they have been opening it up in like October. November. It has not yet opened for this year so applications for Permanent Residence in 2025 the window remains to be opened, so presumably if you have not prepared an application for Permanent Residence and you want to, it is probably a good time to start looking at it. 

That being said, we're coming up on the end of the year here going into the latter part of the 3rd  quarter into the 4th, the closer you get to the application window being open, the tighter things become. It's not a good idea to wait for the window to open. It's a better idea to get the thing prepared and be sitting there sort of poised and ready for when the window opens to just go ahead and file your application for Permanent Residence here in the Kingdom of Thailand.