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Thai Retirement Visas: Avoiding Insurance Requirements

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing insurance requirements and let me preface this video by saying this is not a video where I am going to explain how to avoid the insurance requirements. It is more a video about circumstances and the overall situation with respect to retirees in Thailand and the insurance requirements associated with those retirees and how changes in their circumstances can result in a need for insurance.

So I have gotten correspondence from, off top of my head three or four folks and one in particular really sticks out in my mind. He brought up a number of different points about the fact that this person is in Thailand, they are on a Non-O Retirement Visa. So to be clear this is not an O-A issued abroad that required insurance and requires maintenance of insurance but it is an O Retirement Visa; it is an extension here in Thailand and those folks do not necessarily need to have insurance to maintain that status. 

This person basically brought up the fact that if they do travel abroad and want to come back, one of the requirements associated with Certificate of Entry to return to Thailand presently, even on an O Retirement Visa, is some form of insurance. Basically, this person said in order to for lack of a better term, avoid that, I need to avoid leaving Thailand and basically yeah that kind of is a true statement. I mean when I say kind of, yes depending on the circumstances I would say that that is true. If the current rules remain as they are and O retirees do not necessarily need insurance coverage, then those folks so long as they don't leave Thailand, they just continue to extend presumably under the rules in which they got their initial visa. So if they leave, it is an event that changes their circumstances. Yeah to get that Certificate of Entry they may need insurance and that may trigger some other things down the road that may require Insurance thereafter. 

So folks that are looking into this, it is a good idea to understand insurance has an impact on one's retirement status. If you are in Thailand, don't need insurance and don't need to go anywhere, well best advice is probably just sit tight. If you need to go somewhere, it may not be a terrible idea to contact a legal professional and kind of game out the options for dealing with that in order to proceed in the best manner and the best way and take the best steps forward possible.