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The Thai Visa Application Process

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The title of this video as you can see, is pretty self-explanatory. We are talking about the Thai Visa application process. 

What is it? Well it varies. It's going to depend a great deal, depending on where you are trying to get a Thai Visa. Are you trying to obtain a Thai Visa from a Thai Embassy or Consulate abroad? Well that is going to be a different process than it is going to be to for example get a Visa conversion here in Thailand or a visa extension, or it is going to also be a different process from simply arriving in Thailand with one’s passport and depending on whether or not that passport is granted visa exemption status or visa-on-arrival status, you may be dealing with your Visa at the port-of-entry when coming into Thailand. 

When dealing with Embassies and Consulates, it's a good idea to remember each Embassy and Consulate has its own protocols for dealing with visa applications and it will vary a little bit. As we have discussed in other videos, administration of the Visa process at different Embassies and Consulates will vary from Embassy to Embassy and even from Consulate to Consulate under a given Embassy within a given country; it's going to be slightly different. 

That said, here in Thailand dealing with Visa processing, you are going to be dealing with the Immigration Office or whatever Immigration Office pertains to your physical area here in Thailand, wherever you are living or residing, you are going to be dealing with a different Immigration Office. As we have discussed in other videos, again protocols may differ from Immigration Office to Immigration Office. On top of that, the exercise of discretion which is sort of meted out by Thai Immigration Officers from office to office will vary as well. 

So the thing to take away from this video is while again there is only one Thai Visa - all Thai Visas are Thai visas if you will - the process for obtaining such visas made vary depending on where and under whom you are dealing with or having the Visa process adjudicated by either here in the Kingdom of Thailand or at an Embassy or Consulate abroad.