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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawIs Thai Visa Policy In A State Of Flux?

Is Thai Visa Policy In A State Of Flux?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are posing the question "Is Thai Visa policy presently in something of a state of flux?" This seems to be kind of a frequent refrain, (a little hard to enunciate that there) a frequent refrain in terms of just Thai Immigration generally, sort of policy, the ebb and flow, of not only policy but also enforcement. It just sort of seems like yeah Thai Immigration is constantly kind of moving around in terms of policy and in terms of how things work. 

That said, there are hard and fast rules that do apply to matters pertaining to Thai Immigration; we deal with them on a daily basis. Yes they can change a little bit over time but for the most part, especially when you are dealing with the same Immigration Office, they have a tendency to remain rather rigid over the long haul. 

Now that said, we are in kind of an odd moment here where it seems like Thai policy is almost kind of schizophrenic. On the one hand there is a lot of enforcement concerns going on especially in light of the fact we are now in the so-called low season, although that's so called low season is being somewhat mitigated by demand, continuing demand for tourism here in Thailand, so it's not quite as low as the low seasons have been in the past. There are many that have speculated on what's causing that. Some are calling it The “Green Season” for various reasons. That said, not really the thrust of this video to get into that. 

Long story short and the thing to take away from this video is yeah we are seeing things like the Destination Thailand Visa, changes in policies regarding Visa Exemption status on the cards, we are seeing this being rolled out and again the addition of the EEC Visa, that's sort of a new one as well, talk of changes to requirements associated with insurance for retirees here in Thailand. There is a lot of stuff going on but again take a step back, take a breath and understand these things do change but the more things change, in a way the more they stay the same, not to speak in clichés, but it is kind of true. At the end of the day we see all this talk of Visa changes, new visas, we have talked about these in the past, and oftentimes it all kind of comes out in the wash and it turns out that the vast majority of people end up using the same Visas that they have been using since the promulgation of the Immigration Act of 1979 and don't really need a lot of these sort of "newfangled visas" that they sort of come up with from time to time. 

That said, again major changes are afoot here and we are just now seeing this roll out so I suspect that I will be keeping people updated on this channel regarding these changes as things evolve in real time.