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Thai Work Permit Application Process

Transcript of the video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Work Permit applications. For those who are unaware, first of all you need to know Thai Work Permits are separate and apart from Visas. To get a Thai Work Permit you need either a Business Visa or it is possible to get a Thai Work Permit on a Marriage Visa but you need an underlying Visa that has authorization to issue a Work Permit on it.

Generally speaking you are talking about a Business Visa; I am just going to use the term Business Visa when discussing this although again a Marriage Visa may be possible to get a Work Permit on that as well. Long story short, yeah you have to meet the prerequisites. Also depending on your job title and depending on the type of job you are taking in Thailand, there may be certain qualification prerequisites that the Ministry of Labour, specifically the employment office is going to want to see before they are going to issue a Work Permit and again that will depend on job description and a number of other factors associated with job description. You may need to prove for example academic qualification or maybe Hands-On qualification. The other thing to keep in mind with respect to processing an application for a Thai Work Permit are the restricted occupations in Thailand. There are a number of them; you have to be careful about that and make sure that the job description you are looking to work under is not going to fall in contravention of the restricted occupations here in the Kingdom.