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Is Thailand Pass Beginning To Be Repealed?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are asking the question, "Is Thailand Pass beginning to be repealed? Are we looking at the end of the Thailand Pass?" I have asked this question quite a little bit over the past few weeks especially on this channel, but it does appear to be moving in that direction. The momentum seems to be behind that conclusion. 

This is from ASEAN NOW, that is, the article is titled: Thailand Pass to End for Thai Returnees First. Quoting directly: "Bangkok, May 5 (TNA) - Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said he would propose the Government end the Thailand Pass registration initially for Thai returnees before expanding the policy to foreign visitors." Now at first glance that might not seem like a huge deal but let's bear in mind, when the lockdown came to an end with respect to the full-on zipped-up borders, zipped up airports quarantine that happened back in March 2020, when that began to be eased, the first people it was eased for was initially Thai citizens and then Permanent Residents and then Work Permit holders were added to the list of people that could come in.

I think this bodes very well for the notion that the Thailand Pass is coming to an end because I think we are looking at a situation where we are coming into a kind of a finality here where yeah, things are looking like this is going to be declared endemic. We have kind of put the worst of this behind us and we are moving on, we are just moving on. Thailand is moving on; it has done what it needed to do; tourism numbers are starting to look better albeit we are obviously kind of in the low season here but things are starting to turn around, things are starting to kind of auger for the better and it is good to see that the Public Health Minister is noting this and hopefully once we see this implemented, it will be the first step on the way to the Thailand Pass being fully cancelled, terminated and us getting back to the Immigration System that allowed for the levels of tourism that Thailand became accustomed to and quite frankly the economy, in my opinion really needs right now. Hopefully, we will get back to that sooner rather than later.