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Thailand's "Test & Go" and Insurance Requirements Eased

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As the title of this video suggests, we are talking about "Test & Go" easing and insurance and just this one from TAT News that is UPDATED! TEST & GO rules from 1 March, 2022. Quote: "Travelers can arrive in Thailand by air, land and water with a required prepaid accommodation reduced to one night and the COVID-19 tests revised to 1 RT-PCR and 1 self-ATK. (I will get to that in a minute) The health insurance coverage has also been reduced to no less than US$20,000." 

So a couple of things going on. I kind of waited to go ahead and do a video on this because I wanted to wait and see that it has actually firmed up and it looks like it has. A couple of main things to keep in mind here: it looks like it is possible that this could create a situation where we could start seeing maybe a little bit of Border Runs because land and water now apparently are included in this although Border Running isn't going to be like it used to be. You basically have to take a lot of things into consideration when you are doing this. It is not like just running up across a border and running back over, oftentimes within the same hour. The other major thing to keep in mind is this massively decreases the onus if you will on Tourists or Travelers coming into Thailand on hotel accommodations. So up to now, this is March 1, 2022, up to this point we had "Test and Go", then they canceled that, reverted back to the old system; then it came back online only it had this 5-day window where you had to get one test and then five days and then another test and then you could leave but you could wander around where you were at during the five day period but you had to pay for that 5 days of Hotel accommodation. That appears to be ending and then finally as noted, there is only one RT-PCR test, that is the one on entry, and then the second one is a self-ATK test for which apparently there are going to be provisions put in place to go ahead and report that final ATK test. So that is basically what we are dealing with moving forward. 

Now also noted, insurance requirements have been dropped down to US$20,000. There is a lot of speculation out there as to why this is happening but apparently it is coming online. We are going to do another video on that topic contemporaneously with this one so stay tuned for more information regarding the adjustment of the insurance requirements here in the Kingdom of Thailand.