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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawIs There a "Formula" for Thai Business Visas?

Is There a "Formula" for Thai Business Visas?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Business Visas in Thailand. A recent comment on our channel, I have quoted it in another video regarding Retirement Visas as it pertains specifically to Retirement Visas where basically the commenter said: "I know there is a formula where if you do XYZ you can get a Retirement Visa to Thailand."

I thought it was pertinent to make a video regarding Business Visas because this whole notion that there is one sort of set recipe if you will; set formula; set of instructions; a "one size fits all" for all Thai Business Visas, that seems to be kind of a myth or a misconception that is out there and it is just not the case. These cases vary. There are a lot of differences from case to case. All Immigration cases are different and for this reason, there is going to be a difference with respect to analysis and strategies for maintaining status in Thailand or obtaining Business Visa status from a Thai Embassy or Consulate abroad. The criteria associated with an Embassy or Consular filing is going to be very different from an Immigration extension filing here in Thailand. 

So again Thai Immigration here internally does things very differently from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in their Embassies and Consulates abroad. So the notion that there is sort of a "one size fits all" or a formula or recipe or just one set of instructions for how to get a Thai Business Visa, that is a big misconception. Some other things can factor in. Those who are employed with a BOI Company for example, they are going to have a different set of criteria associated with Business Visa issuance and maintenance than those who are working in a small or medium size enterprise here in Thailand that does not fall under BOI or even a large corporation that doesn't have any type of BOI certification. So again it is going to all vary greatly depending on the facts of a given case as to how one processes and maintains their Thai Business Visa.