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Is There a "Formula" for Thai Marriage Visas?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Marriage Visas and a recent comment on this channel discussing actually Retirement Visas brought the idea for this video into my mind. Basically this person was saying that they understood there to be a formula by which folks could maintain retirement status in Thailand.

As I made a video on this channel regarding that topic specifically, there isn't an exact formula. There is no sort of "one size fits all" set of instructions associated with maintaining really any type of Visa status in Thailand. Every case is going to be different. They are all going to process in their own unique way based on the specific facts in the underlying case; Marriage visas are no different. For example, folks who maintain Marriage Visas status based on a bank account, a balance in a bank account, there are different criteria associated with those folks compared to those who maintain their Marriage Visa status based on income coming into a Thai Bank account. Then on top of it, things may vary depending on if the foreign national spouse has a Thai Work Permit. That may change the calculus if you will for obtaining or maintaining Thai O Marriage Visa status. On top of that, there may be O Marriage Visas or O Visas associated with those who have Thai children and that may factor into the analysis on maintaining Marriage Visa status or even O status based on sponsorship of a child. But again, to view this as there being a formulae method of maintaining status this way, that is an incorrect way of analyzing the overall situation.

These cases are unique. In a sense, what may look to be a very similar case to another, it may not actually be that similar in terms of the procedure and the protocols for processing either the application or the renewal and extension of that type of status here in Thailand.