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Visas and Work Permits for Actors Filming in Thailand?

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We are making this video, there has been a lot of discussion, Russell Crowe and Zac Efron have been in Thailand and there have been a lot of things on Twitter especially Russell Crowe, wanderings throughout the Kingdom. I decided to go ahead and make this video because there has been some correspondence I have received from folks that said: "How is he working in the Kingdom?" "What is he doing?" Well long story short, major film productions generally don't have a problem gaining work authorization for their actors so a guy like Russell Crowe, he is probably going to have his papers in order. Let's be clear. This isn't somebody just flying into work in a band in a bar somewhere or something. This kind of documentation is pretty well taken care of. 

Now that being said, we have sort of seen some of this. The work authorization pertaining to filming is a little bit of a different animal. It is often times done under different categories where you are dealing with Ministry of Labour directly, also maybe where you are dealing with like Ministry of Culture to get authorization to do the filming. Long story short, it is kind of a different animal. So folks that are coming in and dealing with filming in Thailand as actors especially from major film projects, I saw some information years ago discussing what was done with respect to certification for labour purposes of the actors involved with The Hangover 2 that came into Thailand. It is really interesting because in a very real sense, it is truncated and it is like a compressed overall process to get that work authorization. I have also seen circumstances where actors have had very temporary authorization down to like two weeks and they have had to rush to get those folks out of the country before their authorization expires. 

Long story short and the reason for this video is yes actors filming in Thailand still have to deal with work authorization; they still have to deal with their lawful status and their visa status but it is a slightly different animal compared to standard Business Visas and Work Permits for those working on a more long-term basis and in a more traditional manner here in the Kingdom of Thailand.