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We're Still Going to Have Thailand Pass, Seriously?

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We have done another video on Thailand Pass where we kind of talk about whether or not it is sort of a "poison pill" for tourism but this video is more about like, "why do we need this?"

I did not understand at the beginning of all this why a Certificate of Entry was needed. Then it was sort of explained to me "well it is kind of the culmination of all the documentation associated with coming into Thailand." Then they moved to the Thailand Pass which they said was more efficient, more streamlined. It sort of was in a way but it is still shades of gray. I didn't really find it, and a lot of the folks here in the office didn't really find it all that less cumbersome. But, I mean the question is, I really hope, this is just me more kind of venting my hopes if you will, I really hope policy makers really rethink the Thailand Pass generally because I hope that this is not being trial ballooned to something we are just going to have because I think it is really hurting Tourism. We have already discussed that but more to the point, what is the point at this stage of the game? We are getting to the point where okay, if it is to prove up your insurance or your RT-PCR test, I would think those documents in and of themselves prove that. We don't need this extra step wherein you have to put it in the system, it sits around and churns it and sometimes it messes up or sometimes it asks for more stuff and then comes back to you. I just don't see where having folks who just want to come to Thailand and relax, where having those folks churn through like a front load of Bureaucracy is a particularly good idea. 

Now that said, I know it is just one man's opinion but more to the point if all is necessary, and we have discussed this in other videos it looks like from May 1 on it is basically a matter of proving either PCR test or vaccine status, if that is going to be all that is necessary, can't that just be done in and of itself? Can't that documentation just be self-evident? Why is it necessary to have this extra bureaucratic churn in order to enter the Kingdom of Thailand?