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What about UnVaccinated Travelers to Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the prospects of unvaccinated Travelers traveling to Thailand.

I have had a lot of questions on this over the past few months. "What are the current protocols for the unvaccinated?" Well they are basically the same as for vaccinated folks, at least as of the time of this video, everyone is undergoing a two-week quarantine when coming into Thailand. 

Now what is the situation into the future? I have had a lot of people asking me this. I thought that this article from the Bangkok Post print edition from Saturday, May 8 2021, the article is titled: Phuket to Reopen as Planned and I thought that this particular excerpt was really notable. Quoting directly: "The 4th and final phase due to begin on January 1 next year will allow any foreign tourist certified to have been fully vaccinated to be allowed to enter Thailand and freely travel around." So January 1 is prospectively when we are going to see unfettered travel access for the vaccinated but it doesn't say anything about the unvaccinated. I don't know exactly what they are going to do with those folks. In a year, for example next May 2022, presumably vaccination here in Thailand will have reached a very high level of the overall population. I would think and in fact candidly I would hope that most if not all of these restrictions just come off because it is no longer an issue.  Again, that remains to be seen and it is definitely not a good idea to speculate about any of that on my part at least. We have tried to speculate, predict what things are going to happen; it is not a good idea or at least it hasn't been for me. Now I can surmise and I try to do videos to provide information and then my inferences, my personal opinion is, "nothing lasts forever" and the situation regarding vaccinations and regarding all the travel restrictions, I can't imagine could last forever. At the same time, just as a for example you could say well nothing lasts forever, well communism in the Soviet Union didn't last forever but it lasted 70 years. So exactly how long between zero and forever are you going to look at for something to go away? I am not equating these rules with Soviet Communism, I am just saying there are systems in this world, there are protocols that come into place and it is difficult to predict if or when they will ever go away. In some cases they do go away. In fact a lot of times I see the way things evolve and you do see some of the more stringent rules eventually it just is deemed that the cost benefit is not really worth it anymore. 

So depending on the circumstances, I could see unvaccinated travelers having fairly unfettered access to Thailand possibly sometime next year. At the same time, I can also see the situation being that those restrictions remain for some time to come. It is difficult to predict. We will certainly keep people updated on this channel as the situation evolves.