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What If I Get a Positive PCR Test While Quarantined in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing a positive PCR test for COVID-19 and the implications of that transpiring if one is quarantined in Thailand. 

So just some background here. We are basically in a quarantine free situation with respect to entry to Thailand for foreign nationals, specifically vaccinated foreign nationals. However, there is a one-night requirement to stay in a hotel in Thailand and undergo a PCR test. After the results come back, presuming a negative, that individual is then for lack of a better term free to go; they can go about their business; continue their travels. So this is massively truncated from the 14 days we were dealing with just a little over a month ago and even down from the 7 and 10 days we have been dealing with even for vaccinated folks in the past few weeks. So definitely it is reason to be happy to see this happening this way.

The thing to take away from this video, and the reason for this video actually came from a recent comment on one of our videos where the commenter asked: "you need to cover what happens to those unfortunate visitors who FAIL those horribly unreliable PCR test?" As far as reliability, I am not going to get into all that. Frankly I don't know and I don't have the expertise on a professional level to get into the reliability but the question is a valid one, and it is one I think a lot of folks would like to know. "What if you come in and you are doing your day and you somehow come up positive in a PCR test notwithstanding the PCR test before you left 72 hours before you left and you have been vaccinated you still come up positive?" Well you probably are going to be quarantined and it is probably going to be for at least 10 days, probably more likely 14 days. Again, I suspect this is going to be circumstantially dependent. Current quarantine for the unvaccinated for Thailand is now 10 days for those coming in by air so I would say you could probably use that as a benchmark for what would happen. That said, the standard quarantine that we saw up until a few months ago was 14 days.

I would say it is probably between 10 to 14 days as a practical matter that someone will then have to be quarantined here in Thailand should they fail, come up positive on a PCR test after arrival in Thailand during that 1 day quarantine period upon arrival.