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What Other "Potential Visitors"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are asking "what other potential visitors?" So I am bringing this up from a recent article in the Thai Enquirer,, the article is titled: Opposition Leader argues Thailand should court other visitor groups other than retirees.

Quoting directly: "An opposition Parliamentarian on Tuesday said that Thailand should focus on other potential visitors after the country was named as one of the best places to retire." We have done other videos on this. Thailand has been ranked as a top place to retire in the world as well as being the best to retire in Asia but the question posed by this is "what other potential visitors?" As of now, sitting here in January, everything is closed for the most part. I mean folks have to go through a prolonged quarantine otherwise they can use the Phuket Sandbox and that can be a little bit cumbersome because you have got to spend a prolonged period of time down there even though you are not locked in a room but the question posed by this is, well I think diversification of visitors or tourism groups whatever you want to call it in the demographic would probably be a good thing. We just need to get visitors, period. If what Thailand is getting right now is retirees so be it, in my opinion. I have discussed this in other videos. Retirees quite frankly I think we should really be trying to prioritize them more because they have at least proven to be at least demographically, a stable source of arrivals here in Thailand and they come here and spend money on a prolonged basis. So I definitely think retirees are a good resource for the Kingdom but going back to the original point, yeah more tourists would be great, and a diverse range of them from different places; from different demographic or financial backgrounds; all of that would be awesome but we need to open so we can get some people in. I mean as it sits right now there is a massive hindrance at least in the minds of most folks to coming to Thailand because of all the quarantine requirements. Frankly I have gotten not a little bit of correspondence from a lot of different folks that all the "hoops" you have got to jump through to get in to Thailand also tend to put people off. So hopefully, we will see an improvement in this overall as the situation evolves.