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Which Nationalities Can Use Thailand's "Phuket Sandbox"?
Transcript of the above video:
As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing who can use the Phuket Sandbox? We are going to go ahead and throw this graphic up here on screen. This came from the Nation, and actually the source was from the CCSA; that is the COVID Situation Administration. Yeah as you can see there are there are number of countries, 66 countries to be precise, on this list; you can read that list for yourself.
For those who are unaware, the Phuket Sandbox is currently an initiative which is still ongoing. It started at the beginning of July 2021 and allows folks to enter Thailand without the need to undergo 14 days of quarantine in an actual hotel although folks have to maintain 14 days physical presence in Phuket and be under an island-wide quarantine if you want to look at it like that. They have to undergo COVID tests to make sure that they don't have COVID before they are going to be allowed to leave the sandbox so to speak. There are a lot of people that are taking Thailand up on this because many people feel that it is a better alternative than having to spend 14 days for example within an actual hotel room as would be the case going through Bangkok at the present time and a lot of people are going ahead and using that.
So again 66 countries. Presumably more countries are going to be added as time goes on. We will certainly keep folks updated on this situation as the situation proceeds.