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Will the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Impact Thai Immigration Policy?

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This is a topic that has been on the lips of many. I have had people ask me this; I have had people email us questions about this discussing it in comments etc. but the question being posed is: "Will this current situation with respect to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, will this have any impact on Thai Immigration Policy?" 

At first glance I kind of took it at face value, No, of course it wouldn't. I mean did the situation in the Balkans some years ago really have an impact on Thai Immigration Policy? But that stated it has been asked so much that it is maybe worth noting. There is a lot of information going around, I have seen it out there in the Press about how things like tourism globally can be detrimentally impacted. Thailand obviously would be getting hit by some of that. Notably, I believe I was reading in the Phuket News that Russian nationals are being accorded extensions under certain circumstances so yeah, there are some ad hoc Immigration Policy changes perhaps you could call it that are being made, in order to sort of deal with the fall out of this overall situation. 

As far as any like systemic changes to the Thai Immigration system arising from this current conflict, I just I don't see it at least as of now how that would have. Now obviously I doubt Thailand is going to be taking any inbound flights to Thailand that are originating for example in a conflict zone or in an area that is a war zone or something; I highly doubt that. So from that standpoint maybe certain travel arrangements aren't going to be available like they once were. As far as changing at a fundamental level, anything having to do with Thai Immigration Policy, I just don't see that on the cards anytime in the relatively near or foreseeable future.