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Will Thailand's "Test & Go" System Survive?

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As the title of this video suggests, I am just kind of spit balling whether or not this "Test and Go" scheme is going to stay around, and if so for how long? I have had a lot of folks I have been talking to, they said "oh I think a couple of weeks from now "test and go" will be gone."

Yeah I am not seeing it. One I think it will take a little longer than that more than anything it is just sort of an inertia that you see. Any time a Bureaucracy is doing something a certain way, changing that is difficult. It takes time for that practice to end and while I do think it probably will end by the end of the year the way things are going, I don't think it is going to be happening imminently; so I don't think it is going to be happening in the next month, 2 months. But we could get into the summer and things may be hunky dory and it is time to end this because it is having a detrimental impact on tourism in Thailand, of that there really is no doubt. The question is among some "well, we still need to take precautions etc." I would argue that maybe there is a little too much precaution being taken and it is having a detrimental impact versus the benefit. 

That stated, the thing to take away from this video, at least for the imminent future, at least for the next month to 2 months for sure I think, yeah “Test & Go” is going to be around albeit in this truncated format. I think this is how it is going to be for a while which is if you are vaccinated you can come in, one night in a hotel, do a test and then you are free to go and then you do another ATK test 5 days later, send in the results and on you go. So hopefully that will be kind of the overall protocol for the time being and then hopefully as this thing is deemed to be endemic, we can just be done with all of this.