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Work Permits And The Destination Thailand Visa?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing work authorization, Work Permits associated with the Destination Thailand Visa. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Thailand's new visas: call for questions. Quoting directly: "A new "Destination Thailand" 5-year Visa will allow stays for up to 180 days, extendable another 180 days. The requirements are 500,000 baht in a bank account and proof of activity (such as Muay Thai Course or remote work portfolio);" And I'll get to the work thing here. "The visa fee is 10,000 baht; and working (except for overseas companies) is prohibited (effective immediately)" 

What are they talking about here? Well again let's reiterate. You are not allowed to work on one of these type of visas in Thailand. That said, they are dealing with an issue that has been a nettlesome one for years now which is you know, I will talk to people that will come to Thailand on a Tourist Visa, a Retirement Visa and be staying here and they will say "Hey my old job back in the United States has asked me to consult, or something of this nature. I am only going to be dealing with something online or by phone. How do I deal with that?" In the past, we had to say, strictly speaking you have to get a Work Permit for that. This new Destination Thailand Visa seems to be sort of dealing with that issue head-on and saying "look, if you are not working in Thailand, if it is a matter of maybe you are doing something online or by phone where you are dealing with some business matter that is occurring at an entity abroad, we are not going to go crazy over that. We are not going to be kicking down doors, looking for people working illegally if you will via online working." 

Now that said, do not confuse this with the notion that this is work authorized for doing something in Thailand. It is not. If anything, they are creating something of an exception so that they can just say yeah we get it. You may have to send an email or get on a phone call. We are not going to again bust you up over that. But again that is a very different thing than direct work authorization, to be able to work, undertake employment activities within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Thailand.