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American CR-1 Visas Processed In 2024

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the CR-1 Visa. The CR-1 Visa is an Immigrant Spouse Visa but in only a language that bureaucraties can create if you will. In only the language of bureaucrats can you have what is called a Conditional Lawful Permanent Resident, so it's conditional the CR-1 Visa but yet it's permanent, okay? It's conditional insofar as IR-1 Visas which are slightly different from CR-1 visas, if you are married for two years at the time of entry in Immigrant Spouse Visa status, you are conferred IR-1 status which is basically Unconditional Lawful Permanent Residence meaning you don't have to deal with what is called a lift of conditions after you have been in the United States for 2 years. 

In the case of the CR-1 Visa, upon arrival in the United States, yes you are granted Lawful Permanent Residence and you are issued initially with a two-year valid Green Card but at some point during that 2 year period, it's going to be necessary to go ahead and file for what's called a lift of conditions basically showing USCIS, hey we are still married, we are still together, it's a valid marriage, it's not some sham; here we are married, boom. Then after you do that lift of conditions, at that point a 10-year Green Card is issued but the validity of the Green Card doesn't have anything to do with the actual status which is Unconditional Lawful Permanent Residence, that is after having done two years in the United States in CR-1 status. 

So again, do I see the process associated with both obtaining the CR-1 as well as the attributes associated with it changing in 2024? Not really. In fact I kind of see 2024 as being a repeat of 2023. Now that said, there is a major political event happening in 2024, namely the US Presidential elections as well as the Congressional elections as well. This could have a tremendous impact on Immigration Policy but we wouldn't see that impact probably until 2025. So again, I don't see that really happening in 2024 and if and when we do see major changes, we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as that situation would evolve.