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Are Slow K-1 Visa Processing Times "Killing Relationships"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the K-1 Fiancé Visa and the question has been posed, actually I had this question from somebody the other day, they just sort of asked me this offhand: "Are the slow processing times, the relatively slow” and they are definitely slower than usual, we have dealt with since 2020. Some springing from the pandemic some springing from the prior Administration policies, but "have slower processing times for the K-1 Visa resulted in the killing of relationships?"

Unfortunately I have gotten correspondence from folks over the past few months, not clients of ours, that were dealing with stuff on their own. They became rather exasperated; the process was never ending it seemed like and it had a detrimental impact on the underlying relationship. I really couldn't feel worse for those folks. Look, the Immigration process is what it is. I am not in love with it; I think there are massive ways it could be fixed. The K-1 frankly is one of the "better" visas as far as processing time and efficiency, if you can call it that but it is still not optimal. It takes a long time, it takes months on end to get anything done and that can cause a lot of strain on a relationship. Couple that with the fact that the last couple of years things have been progressing even more slowly than usual and I can definitely see where this can have an adverse impact on folks' love lives and folks haven't been able to see each other because travel restrictions and everything. With respect to the travel restrictions that can't necessarily be blamed on the Immigration system but I'll tell you, just in my own mind, I will have more and more blame to heap on the Immigration system if things continue to process slowly in the days and weeks ahead.