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Can I Receive My US Social Security in Thailand?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Social Security in Thailand, Social Security benefits. I thought of making this video after reading, well various correspondence, basically a number of people sent us correspondence asking: "Can I receive my Social Security benefits in Thailand?"

To the best of my knowledge, and we have done videos on this in the past, nothing on that has changed. Yeah it is possible to receive one's Social Security benefits in the Kingdom of Thailand. As we have discussed in other videos there is a specific type of Bank Account one can open here in Thailand to receive their Social Security Benefits directly. It is an interesting account insofar as you can only access it in person. It's designed that way; it doesn't have an ATM account associated with it; it doesn't have any kind of online banking associated with it; you have to physically go in person in order to pick up your money if it's transferred into your Thai account that you use to receive your US Social Security Benefits. 

So again, this is kind of a fraud prevention tactic on the part of I think both the banks and the US Government that have these protocols for this type of retrieval. Now long story short and the thing I understand to take away from this video is this may change. I don't know exactly what the permutations of future Social Security Policy are going to be. For now, to the best of my knowledge it remains possible for Americans in Thailand to collect their Social Security.