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Comparing The K-1 Visa Process: Myanmar vs Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the K-1 Fiancé Visa process and we are comparing and contrasting getting a K-1 Visa from Thailand versus Myanmar. 

Now the first thing you have got to understand is Myanmar is in a rather precarious state right now to say the least. It's not a particularly stable place to be. Now I am not going to get into the details of all of it because quite honestly I don't understand it; I don't have the details; I don't understand what's actually going on over there day-to-day. But long story short, we do process a number of cases for folks with a Myanmar passport be they Burmese ethnically, Thai Yai so-called, ethnic Thais, born on the Myanmar side of the Border: Karen, Shan, whatever -  folks that hold a Myanmar passport and there is a number of different ethnicities that maintain passports from Myanmar. Look it is a different process at the end of the day.

Dealing with Thai Nationals here in Thailand as opposed to Myanmar Nationals who want to process through the US Embassy here in Bangkok to obtain K-1 Visa, it is, it is just a different process. There is different documentation associated with Myanmar Nationals when you compare it to Thai Nationals. In some ways, dealing with a Thai in Thailand is quite honestly easier and the reason for that is particularly document retrieval is much more streamlined in the context of a Thai National versus someone who is effectively a foreign national in Thailand looking to get similar documentation. That said, we have assisted a number of folks from Myanmar in ultimately processing their cases through the US Embassy here in Bangkok so it can be done. Again things associated with how that process, or I should say analysis associated with how that process is going to work, that is going to be driven by the underlying facts in the given case. 

For those who feel a bit overwhelmed, and I think it is completely understandable to feel overwhelmed, if you are dealing with processing a US Visa for a Myanmar National, under those circumstances it is a good idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.