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The Constantly Changing Nature Of US Immigration

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One thing that I have noticed that frustrates a great many of our clients is the constantly changing nature of US Immigration both in terms of processing times, sort of practicalities associated with processing, that there is no real clear if you will recipe for getting a Visa issued depending on the Embassy you are using -  even within the same Embassy they change protocols, they change procedures - not infrequently, I won't say it's all the time but in a given year I'm usually not surprised to expect a couple of minor at least changes to things like the Consular Processing protocols through the US Embassy here in Bangkok. That is kind of a practical issue that you have to deal with in a very narrow sense. 

That said, in a broader sense just the nature of US Immigration itself is something that kind of does seem to change quite frequently over time. I have got to be honest with you, none of it ever seems to be for the better. I am trying to think about major developments that have occurred in US Immigration over the past roughly 15, 16 years that I have been working in this field and I can't think of one where they made some kind of change to the system that resulted in anything working better in terms of for the applicants, for the petitioner, for the people having to go through it. Has there been anything that has made things better? Quite honestly, I can't think of it. 

One example of that is we used to have a local USCIS Office here in Thailand. In their infinite wisdom they got rid of that, why I do not know. This is the biggest Embassy on the face of the Earth; it has Liaison Offices and various representatives from various aspects of the Federal Government in the United States, some of them I can't even figure out why they are here, but yet one thing that has a direct impact especially on Americans and their loved ones who live in Thailand that those folks could have used i.e. the local USCIS Office, no, that needed to be closed! Again, I am not going to get into that any further. You can probably tell from the tone of my voice how I felt about that decision, but long story short, it's an example, it is one example in sort of a long train if you will of examples of how the evolving nature of US Immigration has really only evolved kind of in the negative. 

There have been instances, especially for example right after COVID where we saw a thaw in processing times, so you can argue that from one year to the next things got better but it's not better compared to the overall 16 years I have been doing this I would say. So the thing to take away from this video and to understand, I don't mean to sound cynical or just overly negative, but yeah the system does change and the amount of time it takes to get from point A to point B within the system, I've had people criticize me in the past and say "well you told me that this is how the process was going to work". Well a year and a half later it doesn't work that way anymore, it changes. I know that's frustrating and this is cold comfort to say this but yeah that is just kind of the nature of the beast. In my opinion yeah, I don't agree that the beast should be this way, but it is the way it is and unfortunately it is what we have to deal with. So moving forward that is kind of the situation and basically get your mind right and get it used to dealing with that and act accordingly.