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Does the USA Have a Retirement Visa Like Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are posing the hypothetical, well not hypothetical, it is an honest question; it came to me in a comment from our YouTube channel. The question was much like the title of this video: "Does the USA have a Retirement Visa?" 

The answer to that is No, there is no category of Visa where you can just put money in a bank account in the United States and go to the United States and stay there for a prolonged period of time, perhaps for example on a yearly basis simply based on being retired. That just does not exist. 

Now somebody who has for example Lawful Permanent Residence in the United States, if they decide that they don't want to work anymore and want to retire there, yeah that is certainly a possibility. But a Retirement Visa such like Thailand has and for example, for those who are unaware Thailand has both an O-A Retirement Visa, an O Retirement Visa as well as for that matter the O-X Retirement Visa which is very prolonged but doesn't really apply to most people, they have a O-X Visa which is like 10 years long. Most folks opt to use either the O-A or O Retirement Visa which lasts for one year. There are financial requirements. Basically you have to put a money into a Thai bank account and then maintain status on a year by year basis by renewing your Visa. That just doesn't exist in American Immigration Law. There is no visa that is analogous to that in the Immigration Nationality Act and I doubt there probably ever will be. Now I am not saying this is some kind of comparison; there is really no comparison. It is two different Immigration systems. Thailand has prioritized bringing in foreign retirees. They see them as the boon to the economy. I agree with them and that is the reason for the Thai Retirement Visa but the United States, No, there is no Visa again analogous to that.