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As the title of this video suggests, I am rather emphatic about this point of not calling USCIS. This is not me saying to people that are doing this on their own, dealing with US Immigration not to call USCIS. This is actually me more talking to my clients or folks that have an Attorney that are dealing with the process.

Calling USCIS, I understand people get frustrated and they want to take some matters into their own hands, I don't think they really understand what it entails now. There can be ramifications. I have had clients here in the past, I don't know a couple of months, a couple of different ones that have called into USCIS unilaterally and then thereafter we have had all sorts of just rink-a-dink annoying problems in dealing with correspondence and issues associated with documentation and I often wonder if it is not because of their unilateral correspondence in both of these situations that I am thinking of; I was not informed of the correspondence until after the fact. 

The reason for this video, this is not to cast blame or cast dispersions of people, more it is because I don't think people understand how kind of mined for lack of a better term, the system has been since the Trump Administration. It is like they administratively went in there and sort of created all these little booby traps where people who are acting in good faith and may be a little bit naïve to how Immigration works will call in and they will inadvertently say something that will trigger an entire, in a sense scrutiny is to well "where should we send this document? or "where are you located now?" It just creates a whole lot of problems that don't need to be there.

Again I am not saying don't correspond with your lawyer. I am not even saying you know that under certain circumstances it is not perfectly okay to contact a Government Agency but especially to my clients, look if you are currently undergoing processing, don't contact USCIS without talking to me. Please I am begging; frankly. It can cause more harm than good.