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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawUS Immigration LawI Want to Get My Spouses K-3 CR-1, IR-1 Visa by a Certain Date

I Want to Get My Spouses K-3 CR-1, IR-1 Visa by a Certain Date

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing US Marriage Visas. That is the K-3, CR-1 or IR-1 Visa. We are talking about the notion; I get a lot of correspondence from folks, I talk to folks on the phone daily, a number of folks on the phone daily and a lot of people will say when we are talking to US Immigration, it is not uncommon people will say: “Well I need to get my spouse to the United States, (usually it is a specific place) on or by this date." As I have said in another video, yeah maybe if we are talking about a year out okay, not even a year, years out, okay it may be possible for me to say with some degree of certainty that that may occur but to try to say that with the US Immigration process the way it currently is, I mean that is like trying to throw a dart off of a flume ride and hit a dart board half a football field away and trying to make a bullseye. I am not saying it is not possible but it is pretty darn difficult.

Under present circumstances let's be clear, we have still got a bunch of COVID protocols that are frankly gumming up the Immigration system on both the Department of Homeland Security side as well as the Department of State side. You are also dealing with different protocols at different Embassies; you are also dealing with different travel protocols of different countries. All of this adds up to a situation where it is just simply, yeah estimating timelines, I can do that but where people ask me “I need somebody here by a specific date“, well I am sorry I am just not going to be able to tell you that under current circumstances.