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Interview Appointments For K-1 Fiancé(e) Visas

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the K-1 Fiancé(e) Visa and the interview associated therewith. Now for those who are unaware, there is an interview component associated with processing a K-1 Visa through the US Embassy here in Bangkok. 

Again this is going to be a Thailand-centric video. There may be some insights for folks who are processing a K-1 case in another jurisdiction but this is going to be Thailand specific. 

Presently yeah, there is something of a backlog associated with the interview appointments. They only have so many hours in the day and there is a high demand for interview appointments for the K-1 Visa. So something to bear in mind is the fact that yeah you will get through everything associated with Department of Homeland Security, you get through National Visa Center and then yeah, you may end up seeing a delay here at the Embassy in Thailand as a result of them just not having enough hours in the day quite frankly. They schedule interviews, usually about 2 to 3 months out sometimes as far as 90 days, sometimes a little bit longer. Usually you are going to be able to set an interview date within a 90-day period if they have interview appointment slots.