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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawUS Immigration LawK-1 Visas From Thailand: Can You Please Just Review My Case?

K-1 Visas From Thailand: Can You Please Just Review My Case?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the notion of 'can you just review my K-1 Visa case?' This is one of those things that will come up, I provide advisory services, I also process a number of Immigration petitions in any given year. 

Unfortunately US Immigration is becoming increasingly frustrating and just kind of difficult to deal with. I continue to do these cases. If you can't tell from sort of my demeanour, it is not exactly my favourite thing to do because quite honestly the system is just so woefully inadequate at this point, and it is very galling to deal with it because I know it can be better. I have dealt with it when it was better. All the technological advances or whatever they want to say that they have done to make the process better, it has only really made it worse and more difficult to deal with in my opinion. 

That being said, to get away from my cynicalness on this whole thing, the question posed as to the issue of just reviewing a given case. Now I get contacted to do an hour of advisory on cases all the time where they basically, the case may be stuck or they may have just started it or they may be starting, they kind of want some insight. But what I am talking about here specifically is the notion of just “well I want to do it all but I effectively want to pay you to “review” it, and then if there are any problems, I want to be able to blame you later.” I think a lot of people want to contact me to sort of do that, and look I get it. To quote that old song by Simply Red, "Money is too tight to mention," I do get it. Affordability is an issue; people that have foreign spouses, foreign fiancées, they may need to be a bit more budget conscious with regard to cost. That being said, it's not really fair to try to like box me into, okay you have an hour now, basically do my case in that hour. No, that's not what I do and quite honestly US Immigration cases are a process, it's not even one process either. It's really kind of three cases all in one. You are dealing with sort of the Department of Homeland Security - various sections of that depending on if a case gets sort of jammed up within that sort of bureaucracy. Then you are dealing with oftentimes the National Visa Center, then you are dealing with the Embassy over here - both of those under the auspices of the Department of State. 

But the thing to take away from this video is again yeah, I oftentimes provide advisory services and we oftentimes assist in actual cases but you can't sort of do both. If you want to hire us to assist in actually processing the case, we can do that. If you want to hire me to go ahead and do advisory work on what's going on on the case, what your case should look like, what type of case you should file, should you even file for a Fiancé Visa? Is there more advantage going after a different type of Visa category? Those are questions that can be answered. But this notion as sort of boxing me in and saying "well can you review the case that I have already done and then if something happens, I get to sort of blame you? Hey sorry, not only is that unfair but it is really not reasonable and it is not anything I really want to be doing.