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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawUS Immigration LawK-1 Visas from Thailand: How Fast Can I Get My Fiancée to the USA?

K-1 Visas from Thailand: How Fast Can I Get My Fiancée to the USA?

Transcript of the above video: 

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing K-1 Fiancée Visas. The reason for the video is I get a lot of questions of "how fast can I get her there?" It's usually a her but not always. We do have clients where the genders are reversed from what most people are used to and now we are also seeing a lot more same sex couples. But long story short, "how fast can I get my fiancé to the United States?" 

Oftentimes, the K-1 will be the fastest route but again it's going to be based on the facts in the given case, so it's going to be very circumstantially dependent. Again, there may be certain situations where getting married first may be more optimal depending on the facts in your case, but generally speaking, the Fiancée Visa is fastest for those looking to bring a loved one to the USA. That said, again it's not always the case. It will depend on the facts; it also greatly depends on the state of the Immigration apparatus at the time petitions and applications are lodged. For example, toward roughly the last year of the Trump Administration, we saw the Administration trying to make major changes with regard to how the Fiancée Visa operated versus Marriage Visas. My opinion it only operated to the detriment of those seeking legal Immigration benefits which I don't understand why the Administration really wanted to mess with those people, but that's how it worked. 

Now as of the time of this video, we have sort of seen things kind of revert to the mean if you will, sort of go back to what we were dealing with prior to that time period. Moving into the next year or so and with some uncertainty about who the next Administration will be headed by it remains to be seen whether or not the K-1 will remain the fastest methodology to get a loved one from Thailand over to the United States. That being said, as the situation evolves, we will certainly keep you updated on this channel.

I am kind of talking just generally about US Immigration here. There are a number of options available, Visa options especially, for loved ones of American citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents. It should also be noted that unfortunately there is a lot of, how do we put it, less than optimum information out on the internet. Like it may be useful in one set of circumstances but you may not be in those circumstances. It's not a bad idea to contact a legal professional and get an idea of various Visa options because I have noticed one of the biggest problems people make, especially with loved ones, is they make a lot of presumptions about how the Immigration System works. For example, they may get married, which may or may not have benefited them in terms of their Immigration status; it may have been better to wait. But now you are married and you are kind of locked in to having to deal with certain options. 

It is not a terrible idea just in a general sense, to contact a legal professional who is used to dealing with US Immigration, in order to get a lay of the land if you will, of all of one's options with regard to Immigration to the United States.