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K-1 Visas from Thailand: International Dating Issues?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing K-1 Fiancé Visas. The title of this video is a little bit of a misnomer insofar as it looks like International dating, like dating your fiancée. No we are talking about dates, actual dates on the forms, on the documentation. Why is this an issue? Well unfortunately, the United States with like almost everything, uses a different mechanism for date recordation than does the rest of the world.

In the United States we do month, day, year. The rest of the world does day, month, year. I have had some recent issues associated with dealing with this most notably where we have had checks issued for payment of filing fees and they were issued in the international standard which is day, month, year and caused a bunch of confusion with Immigration Officers and resulted in delays etc. Yeah understand, when you are dealing with US Immigration, you have got to be dealing with dates, the dating of documentation, preferably in the way in which they do it in the United States. It is just a good idea to keep that in the back of your mind.

So the thing to take away from this video, we are not talking about dating like dating your fiancée, I am talking about the dates on documentation. Here in Thailand they do day, month, year when putting dates on things, so if today is March 14th, it is 14. 03. 2022. In the United States it would be 03.14. 2022. So the thing to take away from this video is, that can be an issue and have it in the back of your mind and where possible and where you remember, date things the way that they date in the United States and you may save yourself some consternation.