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Receipt Notice Issues In K-1 Visa Cases?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Receipt Notice issues in K-1 Visa cases. Specifically I am seeing a lot of these problems; we are filing things, and in the past you would file something with USCIS and they would shoot out a hard copy Receipt Notice in fairly short order and you get the receipt notice and then you wait for the case to process. 

These days, I don't know what is going on inside of the Immigration apparatus in the United States but it is insanely pedantic about certain issues, seemingly obtuse to the point of trying to thwart people's case. Then on top of it, the system itself is not particularly reliable anymore. And I am having a ton of troubles corresponding with USCIS; they're not sending out Receipt Notices in certain cases and it seems like they are intentionally trying to say that "oh well, this is an undeliverable receipt and therefore we are just going to close the case!" It's just ridiculous.

What I'm hoping is moving forward we will see some improvement within the apparatus because Lord knows, at the end of the day, USCIS is one of these weird hybrid entities where they say "well we are self-funded from the fees that we garner for our application fees, but then every time they come up with a budget deficit, they go cap in hand to Congress and ask for more money. So it's one of these weird things where they get to claim to be sort of semi-private when it thwarts your case, and they claim to be public when they need money because they want to continue to operate and have jobs probably. 

So I don't know what to do with a system like that other than just, as best we can try to break the log jams and move through it. I do know I have got clients out there who are concerned, they are frustrated; this is a source of it pretty intense consternation on the part of many of the folks that have to go through this system. And at the end of the day I don't have much to say other than it is something we are just going to have to deal with and deal with it is what I am going to do moving forward.