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Returning to the USA Using My Green Card, Re-Entry Permit, or SB-1 Visa

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing returning to the United States with a Green Card, Re-entry Permit, or SB-1 Visa. I have had a lot of questions about this and the short answer is if you have got a valid one of any of these travel documents, returning to the United States is probably going to be relatively smooth. 

I came upon this via US Customs Border Protection, this is a carrier liaison program: Reminder of Current Policy Boarding of Lawful Permanent Residents. Those with an unexpired valid Permanent Residence Card or Green Card may be boarded without additional documentation. Those with a Re-entry Permit, an I-327 valid and unexpired, those folks can re-enter without additional documentation although they do note that those folks cannot use a copy. They need to have that original document. Finally the SB-1 Visa, for those who are unaware that is a returning resident visa. That is if you have been abroad usually longer than a year or you have been abroad for a prolonged period of time and it could raise the presumption of abandonment of your residence in the United States, you can seek an SB-1 to use as a travel document to retake, resettle under your former residence back in the United States. If you have a valid and unexpired SB-1 Visa you can board without additional documentation. 

We have discussed in other videos on this channel, airlines are becoming actually real sticklers about travel documentation because they might be stuck with footing the bill for transporting someone back out of the United States if they bring them in and they can't be lawfully admitted. So Airlines in a way become almost de facto enforcement of some of these rules but if you have an unexpired valid Permanent Resident Card, that is your I-551, that is your Green Card, or Re-entry Permit or an SB-1 Visa, yeah it is probably not going to be a big deal.

Now I am making other videos on this channel contemporaneously with this one where we are talking about expired Green Cards or expired Re-entry Permits and things. For those who have expired documentation it is a very different kettle of fish. Those folks are in a very different set of circumstances and it may be more complicated, so stay tuned but we have other videos on this channel regarding that issue forthcoming.