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Is the US Immigration "Pendulum" Swinging Back?

Transcript of the above video: 

Over the years, I have been doing US Immigration law for 17 years. I've been dealing with Thai stuff in a direct capacity on behalf of folks who are clients, assisting folks here at the firm for roughly about six and a half years now but I have done US Immigration work basically my entire professional life and I have dealt with Thai Immigration very intimately, especially in my early days; now I deal with them professionally and things of that nature. 

The title of this video regarding the issue of the pendulum, what are we talking about, about a "pendulum"? Well I have always kind of viewed myself as sitting between these two sort of extremes if you will, these two poles - I'll call them poles, not extremes - Thai Immigration and US Immigration. We sort of see an ebb and a flow over the years but one thing I'm definitely noticing is there does appear to be a little bit less demand of people wanting to take a Thai spouse or significant other primarily back to the United States, rather than those who are now looking for visa options to stay here in Thailand. 

So in the past we would see a great number of K-1 Fiancé Visa cases processed out of here, greater, we still do see something of a volume of them but it's down and I think part of the reason is when I talk to people, a lot of people say "look I'm trying to live in Thailand, I'm not trying to get somebody back over to the United States". 

Now that's not always the case, there are a number of people that are trying to go back to the United States, but I expect that this trend will probably continue especially as we see the so-called baby boomer generation beginning to retire. In the past I would see a lot of them with demand to bring a Thai spouse to the United States. Now more and more, we are seeing them saying "hey I'm looking to come over to Thailand; I might get a Retirement Visa, a Spousal Visa", whatever, but long story short, it looks to me as though and sort of demographically if you will, the pendulum is kind of swinging back towards Thailand in a demographic sense rather than going the other way. 

That said, this could shift back again very quickly, so we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as the situation evolves. 

You may be aware if you watch these video on a regular basis, but I am kind of talking just generally about US Immigration here. There are a number of options available - Visa options especially - for loved ones of American citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents. It should also be noted that unfortunately there is a lot of, how do we put it, less than optimum information out on the internet, like it may be useful in one set of circumstances but you may not be in those circumstances. It's not a bad idea to contact a legal professional and get an idea of various Visa options because I have noticed one of the biggest problems people make, especially with loved ones, is they make a lot of presumptions about how the Immigration System works. For example, they may get married, which may or may not have benefited them in terms of their Immigration status; it may have been better to wait. But now you are married and you are kind of locked in to having to deal with certain options. 

It is not a terrible idea just in a general sense, to contact a legal professional who is used to dealing with US Immigration, in order to get a lay of the land if you will, of all of one's options with regard to Immigration to the United States.