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USCIS Approved My K-1 Visa Petition, What Now?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing K-1 Fiancé Visas. We are specifically discussing them in the context of the aftermath of the USCIS approval. Every now and again we will get contacted by folks that are looking to deal with the aftermath of USCIS if you will in a K-1 context. 

The reason for this video is more a perception management because a lot of folks presume that there is a finality associated with the USCIS approval and that is far from the case. A lot of folks will kind of describe the USCIS approval as being "halfway done". I don't look at it like that at all. It is just one aspect of what needs to occur; the tumblers that need to fall in the lock before a Visa is ultimately going to be issued. Especially in this aftermath of COVID, dealing with all of these ongoing restrictions and frankly the staffing policies of various Embassies notably the one here in Bangkok, where frankly they are just not doing as many interviews as they once were, the overall process has in my opinion substantially changed compared to what it was a few years ago. So this paradigm that "Oh, USCIS is the "halfway mark", I don't think that is the way to look at it especially from a timing perspective. 

Now things may revert to that in the coming months or coming years but for now, it doesn't really appear to be the case. I mean the point at which you are done with USCIS, now you are dealing with NVC; that is its own kettle of fish. Then you have got to deal with the Embassy before you are going to be even looking at a final interview date being set and then ultimately presumably a Visa being issued or you are dealing with what is called a 221g Request for Further Documentation after the interview if something is deemed to be missing by the interviewing Consular Officer. 

So long story short, what now? Well keep on going. You have definitely hit a mile marker in the sense of USCIS approval, but it is not the end of the road.