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Why An American Immigration Attorney Makes A Difference?

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The title of this video may seem a little bit sell-serving on a certain level. Look at the end of the day, these videos do have a promotional aspect to them but I think this is worth pointing out. 

I had a consult in the past couple of days with somebody in an Immigration context, specifically an American Immigration context and they made some real mistakes. They pretty well put themselves in a position where there was a finding made of fraud and misrepresentation with regard to an application that they themselves had filed previously and they had been talking to someone else and made a lot of assumptions about how they should file it. I don't think the fraud and representation finding was exactly warranted but I get why the officer made the finding because sort of the totality of the circumstances, it looked pretty hinky. I know that is not exactly a legal term but I can see where they looked at this application, they looked at this applicant and they thought "we think this person is trying to pull something over on us" and they made a finding of fraud and representation and they may have precluded this person from coming back into the United States for a very long period of time, maybe forever honestly. But it was based on the fact, and the reason for the video, they had a bunch of mistaken assumptions because they were listening to somebody who wasn't really a professional and didn't really understand how the system actually worked. 

So the thing to take away from this video is yeah, I know lawyers, attorneys aren't anybody's favourite. We are not on anybody's list of favourites in the sense that everybody's kind of got a beef with lawyers a little bit; I even have a beef sometime with lawyers and attorneys out there. It just sort of is what it is. Oftentimes I think it is because lawyers say "no" a lot because the law says "no" a lot so that oftentimes is kind of the reason lawyers and attorneys are kind of looked askance at. 

But the thing to take away from this video is it is not purely just "oh you need to hire an attorney in all cases". Not necessarily, but let me tell you, if you get bad advice in an Immigration context and you detrimentally rely upon said bad advice, especially from a lay person, your problems could be exponentially worse and this is the difference between someone who is a professional and deals with Immigration on a regular basis and someone who just has a passing knowledge of how the process works.